Curriculum Vitae

Web version updated January 16, 2023

since 2023 Assistant Professor, Africa Business School at UM6P, Rabat, Morocco

2016 2023 (on leave since 2023) Lecturer, University of Liverpool Management School, Liverpool, UK

2010 – 2016 Senior Research Fellow, Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods, Bonn, Germany

2015 – 2016 Visiting Professor / Researcher, Cowles Foundation at Yale University, New Haven, CT, USA

2009 Visiting Research Fellow, Hausdorff Institute for Mathematics, Bonn, Germany


2010 Doctoral Degree, Toulouse School of Economics and Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Dissertation entitled Topics in Mechanism Design under the supervision of David Martimort. Thesis jury: Andrea Attar, Francoise Forges, Thomas Mariotti, Benny Moldovanu, Patrick Rey.

2006 M.A., New Economic School, Moscow

2004 B.A., Moscow State University


2019 Postgraduate Certificate in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education 

2019 Fellow of the UK Higher Education Academy [PR180134]

2015 Qualification aux Fonctions de Maître de Conférences [16205278131]

TEACHING (as Principal Instructor / Module Leader)

since 2020 Undergraduate Industrial Organisation, University of Liverpool, UK

2018  Graduate Informational Asymmetries & Mechanism Design, University of Liverpool, UK

since 2017 Undergraduate Law and Economics, University of Liverpool, UK

2017-2019 Undergraduate Competition and Regulation, University of Liverpool, UK

2016 Graduate Mechanism Design, University of Cologne, Germany

2015 Senior Research Seminar Auctions and Bidding, Yale University, New Haven, CT USA

2015 Graduate Mini-course Mechanism Design, Max Planck Institute Bonn, Germany

2013 – 2014 Graduate Seminar Advances in Decision Theory, Bonn Graduate School of Economics, Germany

2012 – 2013 Graduate Seminar Epistemic Foundations of Game Theory, Bonn Graduate School of Economics, Germany


Referee American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, B.E. Journal of Economics, Economic Modelling, Games and Economic Behaviour, International Journal of Game Theory,  International Journal of Industrial Organization, Journal of Mathematical Economics, Journal of Economic Theory, Journal of Political Economy, Journal of Public Economic Theory, Theoretical Economics, Review of Economic Studies, Review of Industrial Organization.

Co-organizer Theory Reading Group at the Max Planck Institute 2011-2012, Econ Workshop at the Max Planck Institute 2013-2015, Liverpool Economic Theory and Computation annual workshops 2018 & 2019.


Invited Talks Toulouse School of Economics - December 2019; University of Leicester - October 2019, Hebrew University - January 2019, Bar Ilan University - December 2018, Tel Aviv University - December 2018, Warwick University - November 2018, University of Manchester - September 2018; Paris School of Economics - May 2018; University College London - April 2018; Law and Economics Workshop in Florence - June 2017; SIOE Corsica - May 2017; University of Glasgow - March 2017; NHH Bergen - October 2016; University of Bonn - June 2016; Rochester University – November 2015; Yale University – September 2015; Ecole Polytechnique – June 2015; Paris Dauphine - March 2015; Paris School of Economics - February 2015; Humbolt University Berlin – October 2014; Paris Game Theory Seminar – March 2014; Max Planck Institute for Research on Public Goods Bonn – April 2010; SFB Seminar Mannheim University – June 2009; Hausdorff Institute for Mathematics – July 2009.

Conferences Blockchain workshop(l'X and OMI), Paris 2023, SIOE (former ISNIE) Conference, MIT/online 2020, Paris 2016, Los Angeles 2012; European Economic Association / European Meeting of the Econometric Society, Manchester 2019 and Malaga 2012; Conference Economic Design and Algorithms, Saint Petersburg 2019, UECE Meeting on Game Theory and Applications, Lisbon 2018, 2016, 2014, 2011, 2010, and 2009; Conference for Economic Design, York 2017; D-TEA, Paris 2017; GAMES Congress, Maastricht 2016; CTN Workshop, Moscow 2016; Spanish Economic Association Conference, Girona 2015; Annual Conference of the Southern Economic Association, New Orleans 2015; French Symposium on Game Theory, Paris 2015; International Federation of Operational Research Societies Triennial Conference, Barcelona 2014; Society for Economic Design, Lund 2013; Spain Italy Netherlands Meeting on Game Theory, Vigo 2013; Journees Gerard-Varet, Aix-en-Provence 2013; Herbert Simon Conference, New York 2013; GAMES Congress, Istanbul 2012; Association of Public Economic Theory Meeting, Taipei 2012; Games, Toulouse 2011; Annual Meeting of the Association of Southern European Economic Theorists, Alicante 2010; Social Choice Congress, Moscow 2010; European School on New Institutional Economics, Cargese 2010 and 2011; Spring Meeting of Young Economists, Istanbul 2009; 27th Arne Ryde Symposium on Mechanism Design, Lund 2008; Spring Meeting of Young Economists, Lille 2008. 

Discussant Workshop on Mechanism Design, Bonn 2013; Spring of Incentives Workshop, Toulouse 2009; Incentives, Efficiency, and Redistribution in Public Economics Workshop, Bonn 2009; Coalition Theory Network Workshop on Auctions and Networks, Maastricht 2007.